Having your own website could make a positive difference in your business.
You can spend a lot on a website or work with us and have one up and running quickly at a reduced price.
If you’re thinking of having your own website, probably the most important question you need to answer before going much farther. And that is, what do you want people to do as a result of visiting your website? Buy something? Visit your store? Contact you for more information? Answering that question is a major step in moving forward. And the second, and equally important, is how are you going to get people into your website?
So, two questions usually come to mind when considering launching a website:
What’s it going to cost? And, what content needs to be on the website?
One thing I’ve found is that there are about as many answers to those two questions as there are experts and providers!
With any website there are 3 costs:
Develop, or develop and maintain, the content for the site.
Obtain and re-register the domain name (the URL)
Renting space on some host for your website.
Developing and maintaining can cost a little or a lot, depending upon the complexity and who is doing it. If you are an HTML and CSS programmer, you can design and develop your own and your only cost is your time (and patience). Or, we can develop it using your input for probably less than 400 USD.
Obtaining and registering a URL usually costs between 20 and 25 dollars a year.
Hosting costs vary all over place, from a few dollars per month to a whole bunch.
To learn about our pricing, see the About Services page.
To answer the question of what should a website include – or how many individual pages, in my opinion the minimum is three. A Google search on the question revealed the following:
The number of pages a business website should have depends on the website's goals, the type of site, and the resources available. Some say that a website should have at least five unique pages to improve the user experience, while others recommend 10–30 pages of well-crafted content for small to medium businesses. A minimalist website might only need 3–6 pages.
For a low-budget, starter website, I recommend the first three that you see here, a home page, a page that tells what you are all about and the services you offer, and a contact page where the viewers can share with you their contact information so you can move forward to conduct business. In some cases, depending upon the exact nature of a business, a fourth page describing products could be in order.
The homepage must engage visitors immediately. A primary tool is a banner at the top and briefly explains what your business is all about and provides a call to action.
The banner needs to be eye catching and link directly to your business. It also should include a call to action. It can be a shape, picture, multiple pictures, video, text, or some combination thereof. If you work with us, we can work out the details of your banner as we move forward.
Following is a couple of websites that address website banners:
Click here to send us your contact information so we can get started.